HBCU Green Fund Africa
Motivated by local challenges in climate-vulnerable communities, African youth show remarkable resourcefulness in creating community-based climate solutions. The HBCU Green Fund has supported these young climate leaders across sub-Saharan Africa for the past two years, including micro grants of $500-$10,000 USD, fostering impactful change. HBCU Green Fund believes in the power of youth to solve the climate crisis. 


To ensure and increase funding directly to African projects, we have established HBCU Green Fund Africa (Universités Historiquement Noires Fonds Vert) in Senegal as of August 23, 2023. The office is located in the peri-urban Village of Yene, Senegal in close proximity to the new Blaise Diagne International Airport. 

The Director of HBCU Green Fund Africa, Mr. Cheikhou Thiome, attended COP6 at The Hague as a youth delegate and has a 20-year history of support for youth employment and environmental programs.